
Determine Your Dental Destiny

Dental health( and health in general) is determined by what we are willing to do for ourselves. It is our responsibility as individuals. Daily food and lifestyle choices we make have a direct effect on the health of our teeth. SUGAR - when people eat too many processed foods, especially sugar and flour products, they wreck havoc on the body. Insulin levels spike, cortisol levels increase and the flow of the parotid gland hormone changes, resulting in cavities. Eating too much processed sugar and flour products upset the entire hormone system, setting you up for tooth decay and gum disease and makes your entire body overly acidic- an environment which allows harmful bacteria and fungi to thrive. Eating too much sugar ( even in the form of hybridised fruit) causes the body to bring heavy minerals from the bones to the blood to buffer the hybrid sugar. Each one of us possesses the genetic potential to be healthy.  In order to restore this potential, we must return to obeying natur

If you're not happy, here's why!

'Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you' -Our experience of reality has very little to do with reality itself and has everything to do with our interpretation of our circumstances through the controlling forces of your BELIEFS- in simple terms; the rules we have about what has to happen in order for us to feel good. -The truth is that nothing has to happen in order for you to feel good. You can decide to feel good this very moment! - As long as we structure our lives in a way where our happiness is dependent on something we cannot control, then we will experience pain. -We can decide to enjoy your day no matter what happened. Decide that no matter what happens, we'll find a way to enjoy it -If you adopted and consistently applied this rule to your own life, it would change virtually EVERYTHING you experience. To adopt this rule is to raise your standards. It means you will hold yourself to a higher standard of enjoying yo

How to be a better person - develop your character

'life is a journey and becoming better everyday is the goal.' Commit yourself to the continuous pursuit of self improvement! The thirteen virtues according to Benjamin Franklin 1.TEMPERANCE  … Or SELF CONTROL. "Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation." -do whatever it takes (healthy diet, workouts, change in lifestyle, habits) to maintain coolness of clearness of head which is so necessary where constant vigilance has to be kept up. 2.SILENCE "Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation" Listen instead of speaking and you will gain knowledge. Also, it helps to break a habit of careless conversation, which only makes one acceptable to trifling company. 3.ORDER "Let all things have their places, let each part of your business have its time" Everything has its place and time. By establishing/ achieving order, you can get more time for the pursuit of other worthy causes. 4.RESOLUTION  "Re

How to be independent

1. Accept yourself . You cannot build a strong, independent life you if you can't live with yourself. Accept your body, your personality, your opinions, your choices, your preferences, and your life story . Do not say things against yourself. Put behind you your mistakes and learn from them. Make an effort to be a better you and most importantly love yourself. This is an important part of being independent because accepting who you are will keep you from trying to act like someone else. 2.Believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself then who else will ? We are all different and have something unique to say. No one can speak the words on your lips and not everyone is going to agree with what you say which is why it's important for you to stand by who you ar e because at the end of the day you are all you got and if you believe in yourself that's really all that matters. Believing in yourself will make you trust your own decisions -- even if t


YOU WERE MADE TO BE A WORLD-CHANGER! Yes, you! (and me!) God created every person on this earth with a special purpose- and the world is waiting for you to share yours! Don't let excuses (too old, young, poor, lack of education etc) hold you back! ANYONE and EVERYONE can make a difference for good. The ways are limitless. Use your God-given gifts to make a difference that outlives your life! DON'T JUST BREATHE---- LIVE! Sometimes, we take for granted the fact that life is a GIFT! USE YOUR LIFE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!  Say: GOOD MORNING LIFE! wake up excited everyday! make your life matter! Live in such a way that the world will be glad you did. Know: YOU ARE A MASTERPIECE ! lovingly handcrafted and fashioned by GOD. He put you together with a unique combination of personality, skills, talents, feelings and looks. He made you one of a kind. He made you to make a difference! He created us to know His love for us and love Him in

Nutrition for healthy teeth!

Diet plays a very important role in the health of your teeth and gums! Eat regular, well-balanced meals and try to include these foods in your diet ! 1 ) High-fiber fruits and vegetables  - High-fiber foods work like a detergent in the mouth, not only physically “scrubbing” the teeth, but also stimulating saliva flow by requiring longer chewing times. Saliva is the mouth’s first line of defense, because it neutralizes tooth-damaging acids, and contains calcium and phosphates that help rebuild minerals leached away by bacterial acids. Crunchy, juicy fruits and vegetables also have high water content that helps offset their sugar content. High-fiber foods are also a key foundation of an overall healthy diet, so they offer a double benefit. 2)    Water – When it comes to oral health, water is indispensable. It’s the primary component of saliva, and is important to both tooth and gum health. Water is valuable as the final rinsing agent for foods and sugary drinks, and, if


wake up. love yourself. care for yourself. your body is the most precious thing that you possess. every single day of your life, you CHOOSE to be conscious or unconscious. CHOOSE to be awake or live in dreamland. Please don't sleepwalk through life anymore! The goal here is forever. There is no quick fix. It is about longevity. The ultimate goal is a long, strong, happy and healthy life. A sharper and clearer mind. A body that can power the action your mind dreams up for you A confidence that comes from knowing and caring for yourself. The rewards are continuous and evolving; the work is daily. It is about using your discipline to make consistent choices that support your progress towards your goals. Now, don't just think about it. You cant just nod along in agreement. You have to take REAL ACTION. COMMIT TO IT. WANT IT. GO AFTER IT. Every time you make a better choice, you are strengthening your discipline and changing your habits. These little shifts i