DISCIPLINE is like your foundation for life. it is what supports you and provides stability and structure for everything that you do. What is the secret of success? The secret is... there is NO SECRET. There is no fairy godmother, no magic dust... (of course, there is God's FAVOR, where he will put you at the right place at the right time and meet the right people... but that doesn't mean no discipline or hard work is required! However, the 'hard work' wont feel so 'hard' because of the grace of our Lord Jesus!) At the core of every successful person or those who achieved what they set goals for there is one common thing... DISCIPLINE! MAKE yourself do what you NEED TO DO.. EVERYDAY, in order to create the life that God intended for you to live! No one has ever accomplished without having some sort of self discipline, without knowing how to work for it. without learning how to earn it. Discipline is having a strong awareness that your choices have impact