do what you can, with what you have now =)

many of us fall into this 'ideal plan' mindset, and that's when we let perfect become the enemy of good. in many areas of our life, we give excuses/ reasons as to why we can't accomplish something. what we need to change is not the situation, but actually our mindset. take for example, a healthy lifestyle. some people don't work out because they say they have 'no time', 'no money to join a gym', 'too tired' etc.... yes these are all legitimate reasons but instead of giving up and resigning to fate, settling and letting things be, what can you do NOW, within your capability to CHANGE or better your situation? you could walk to your destination, take the stairs, carry your groceries... to increase your physical activity. you can be productive and effective at the same time! I understand not all people would have the luxury of time and money to join exercise classes in the gym, but when you don't give your power away to people or circum...