YOU WERE MADE TO BE A WORLD-CHANGER! Yes, you! (and me!) God created every person on this earth with a special purpose- and the world is waiting for you to share yours! Don't let excuses (too old, young, poor, lack of education etc) hold you back! ANYONE and EVERYONE can make a difference for good. The ways are limitless. Use your God-given gifts to make a difference that outlives your life! DON'T JUST BREATHE---- LIVE! Sometimes, we take for granted the fact that life is a GIFT! USE YOUR LIFE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Say: GOOD MORNING LIFE! wake up excited everyday! make your life matter! Live in such a way that the world will be glad you did. Know: YOU ARE A MASTERPIECE ! lovingly handcrafted and fashioned by GOD. He put you together with a unique combination of personality, skills, talents, feelings and looks. He made you one of a kind. He made you to make a difference! He created us to know His love for us and l...