book review: THE MELT METHOD


a book about solving chronic pain

Pain and discomfort are your body's way of trying to get your attention so you will take care of something. You dont have to accept pain as a normal part of aging or active living.
understanding the true reason for your pain will profoundly affect your ability to resolve your symptoms and live pain free.

Real cause of chronic pain is repetitive movements and postures.
Our connective tissue (fascia) is the component in our bodies that keeps us stable. It provides the body its architectural stability. It creates a flexible framework that compartmentalizes, separates and connects everything in the body. This tissue is constantly morphing and adapting to your movements and positions to support your joints, bones and organs.

the repetition of daily living causes connective tissue to become dehydrated. Dehydration makes connective tissue less responsive, supportive and adaptable, which causes strain in the muscles and compression in the joints. Both inactivity(sitting around for a long time) and (strenuous/intensive/prolonged) activity is dehydrating to the body.
Connective tissue dehydration is the underlying cause of strain and pain in the body and a catalyst for pre-pain symptoms (indigestion, insomnia, headaches, fatigue, anxiety, mood swings, weight gain, bloatedness)
To rehydrate the fascia, we need to get fluid moving to and in the tissues and restore its fluid state and rebalance the nervous system. ( there is an intricate connection and interdependent relationship between the connective tissue and the autonomic nervous system)

Your body's connective tissue is like a sponge, when its hydrated it's buoyant and adaptable; when its dehydrated its stiff and inflexible.
Chronic cellular dehydation and stagnant, murky surrounding fluids leads to toxicity.
we need to stimulate the connective tissue(by specific manual techniques) so that the connective tissue absorb and use the water you drink to produce connective tissue fluid. The new fluid moving i the connective tissue system stimulates all cells of the body to take in the fresh fluid, which extends the life of these cells.

Dehydration of the connective tissue is caused by repetitive stress and strain of daily living,medication, environmental toxins, poor diet and sleep habits.
Chronic tissue dehydration triggers a protective response in cells. your cells form a seal around themselves to try to preserve the fluid inside when the fluid environment outside is stagnant or lacking. This also meas that essential nutrients, minerals and fluids are blocked from getting into the cell. Without these necessary cellular building blocks, hormone and enzyme production, cell to cell communication and metabolism are all hindered, and this leads to bone and muscle loss, increased fat storage, and premature cell death, all of which accelerate the aging process.
Just as pain acts as a signal that connective tissue dehydration is putting stress on the muscles, joints and nerves, when your organs and cells lack adequate hydration, they send signals of distress. Symptoms like headaches, sugar cravings, poor sleep,irritability, digestive discomfort, low energy-could be a sign that the connective tissue needs your attention!

Accumulation of stuck stress in the neurofascial system caused by repetitive postures and movements, anxiety, poor sleep, diet, sedentary lifestyle ,life circumstances, trauma, aging, pregnancy, surgery. with the accumulation of stuck stress the neurofascial system gets knocked out of the efficiency zone, and the body becomes inefficient (symptoms)

4 systemic effects of accumulation of stuck stress in the neurofascial system
connective tissue dehydration
compression (loss of joint space in the neck or lower back) and misalignment of the masses(joints, muscles)
neurocore imbalance
faulty body sense

Reconnect:heighten body sense and mind body connection which is a VITAL component of your body's daily repair and healing function.
Rebalance:address neurocore stabilizing mechanisms to improve the whole body balance, grounding and organ support.
Rehydrate: restore the fluid state of the connective tissue system and improves the environment for all your joints, muscles, organs, bones, cells and tensional integrity of the body. This decreases inflammation in the joints and improve the fluid and nutreint absorption of every cell.
Release: decompress your neck, lower back, joints of the spine, hands and feet. Regaining and maintaing the space in the joints will keep you youthful, mobile and pain free. 

Assessment of the body's alignment of masses and spaces in rest(mainly), standing positions using mind-body scan.
The rest assess provides the opportunity to check in and evaluate your current body position in relationship to ideal alignment using the masses and spaces. it lets you reconnect with where your body is imbalanced or not properly aligned. your body wants to be balanced and efficient. this desire is innate within all of us. when you use your body sense to identify that you have misalignments and imbalances, your autopilot pauses and gets a message to tune in and connect. it becomes aware of the ways in which it is chronically compensating in its perpetual attempt to regulate balance in your body.

body scan at rest
Head-notice where the back of your head is touching the floor
neck-notice the space of your neck
upper back-shoulder blades are evenly weighted to the ground
rib cage-ribs are weighted all the way down to the belly button
low back-notice the space of the low back, or lumbar curve. when the low back has a lot of compression, the autopilot will transition a low back curve into a long shallow mid back curve.
ideal alignment: there is a small distinctive space between the bottom of the ribs and the top of the pelvis. the peak of the curve is below the belly button.
pelvis-equal weighting on both sides, feel like you are on 2 butt cheeks rather than on the tailbone.
gluteal fold-sense a little pocket of space right below the pelvis just before the legs
thighs-both thighs equal and weighted on the floor
knees- both knees lift evenly off the floor
heels-resting on the outer third of your heels, toes are pointing where the walls meet the ceiling

hope this was helpful! =)
have a great day
xx madeleine


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