The 24 hour kick start

The 24 hour plan to combat aging !
I got these tips from the book " stop aging, start living" by Jeannette Graf.
I hope you will find these tips useful and incorporate some into your daily life! =)
to beautiful skin, for now, forever!

Upon waking
  • Morning skincare regime-cleanser, moisturizer, eye cream and sunblock
  • bodycare-mositurizer
  • test your saliva pH
  • 5 minutes of deep breathing
  • supplements including probiotics, liver tonic, spirulina, minerals
  • drink alkanizing cocktail (greens powder in fruit juice)
  • 16oz water with lemon
  • ABC juice
  • fruit
  • organic tea or coffee
  • 16oz water with lemon
breakfast options
  1. veggie omelette
  2. yogurt with fruit and granola
  3. cottage cheese with fruit, nuts and cinnamon
  4. smoothie with banana and coconut / mango and yogurt
  5. whole grain bread with hard boiled egg, tomato, cheese or avocado
  6. Protein/homemade pancakes, muffins
  7. oatmeal with raisins, flaxseed, banana
  8. whole-grain waffles with fruit and maple syrup
Morning workout
  • walk
  • yoga
  • juice
  • fruit
  • huge salad (assorted cooked and raw veggies)
  • 1/3 cup amonds and seeds
  • dressing-lemon juice, evoo, seasalt
Lunch options
  1. soup with wholegrain roll
  2. salmon/tuna/chicken/tofu salad
  3. tuna/chicken/turkey sandwich/wrap
  4. Japanese lunch: edamame, sushi rolls, miso soup
  5. yong tau foo soup

Afternoon relaxation
  • breathing, bodyscan
  • talk to a funny friend
  • rewarding luxury: massage, pedicure, wrap etc
  • alkanizing cocktail
  • raw veggies
  • fruit
  • 16oz water
  • raw and cooked veggies
  • 1/2 avocado

Dinner options
  1. Shrimp, bok choy and veggies over brown rice
  2. salmon,fish with veggies
  3. wholegrain pasta
  4. grilled chicken breast with sweet potato and broccoli

evening relaxation
  • sea salt scrub/glow
  • foot soak/ scrub
  • music
  • singing happy songs
  • dance
  • play an instrument
  • prayer
  • reading a good book
  • deep breathing
  • watch a funny movie
  • cuddle a loved one, pet
  • play a fun, interactive game
  • herbal tea
Night skincare regime
  • cleanser
  • retinol serum
  • eye cream
  • collagen cream/ moisturizer
  • bodyscan, progressive muscle relaxation
  • sleep for 9 hours

  1. Test saliva pH
  2. morning skincare routine
  3. alkanizing cocktail
  4. probiotic supplement
  5. mineral supplement
  6. water (4liters daily )
  7. fun activity (1-2 times a week)
  8. exercise (4 times a week)
  9. deep breathing (5 mins, twice a day)
  10. laughter
  11. relaxation (10 mins, twice a day)
  12. evening skincare routine
  13. dark leafy veggies and organic veggies (3 cups)
  14. fruits (2 servings)

with much love


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