scars into stars

when feeling hopeless, in despair... 1. reach out reach out to friends, family and people who love you. don't isolate yourself from the very people who can help and encourage you. GOD decide to trust JESUS. feelings have nothing to do with the decision. you can make a move to reach up and out. its your choice. when you choose to reach toward God, who wants the very best for you, either you or your circumstances (or both ) will change! 3.choose your thoughts think on God's thoughts instead, because his plan is to see you through any hardship and give you a life of peace and joy. you may not be able to see his plan right now, but don't give up! press on, push through! on the other side of your hopeless, discouraging thoughts is God, and he is waiting for you on the other side of your pain. 4.look up for the love and grace of God to help you you may not feel God is listening at times, but he hears you! Lovingly, he is working out things for you benefit....