tips for looking and feeling great!

1. start every day with 15 mins of yoga

2. drink 8 glasses of water everyday fresh fruit, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, chicken, fish and a little cheese, yogurt and olive oil and cut out ALL junk foods.

4.maintain good posture at all times

5.dont stress! breathe in stressful situations- take 10 long, deep breaths.

6.count your blessings! an attitude of gratitude is beautiful

7.clear out your clutter!

8.meditate daily(pray)- for calm peace, radiance and energy

9.sleep well!

10.laugh and smile always

11.keep making new goals- plan and achieve them!

12. have fresh flowers in your house 

13. stop moaning or complaining

14. always keep interested in people, your hobbies, your work and your friends,

15.keep optimistic and always look for the good in everything lose weight- eat less, keep busy, keep out of the kitchen, eat slowly and never eat standing up or not plating your food yourself. none of us are perfect but it is vital to love yourself for what you are. you really are lovely :)

18. do something kind everyday

19. make a to do list everyday, prioritize and work through the list calmly and slowly. 

20. keep a diary of all your good times.

21. love life in all its forms. love your family, friends, job, pet! just simply love life, it is great to be alive in this fascinating, wonderful world.

22. forgive everyone

23. trust GOD . He will lead and guide you

24. enjoy fresh air. take a nice, daily walk.

25. practice good dental hygiene! and get your teeth whitened.

26. get a good, easy to manage hairstyle.

27. dry skin brush everyday before your bath

28. treat yourself! put your feet up, give yourself a reward as soon as your achieve a goal-you deserve it!


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